Safe sex is the BEST sex. And healthy is SEXY! Read below about myLAB Box, available online, an STD screening test kit that you can do at home.
myLAB Box myLAB is a first-of-its-kind service that delivers STD screening solutions to your doorstep at a frequency optimized for your lifestyle. Uncomplicate your life today and get results with a click! Sign up for myLAB Box and enjoy the freedom to screen any time anywhere.
Who We Are
myLAB Box was conceived by California entrepreneurs who saw the opportunity to fix a major gap between the way we all approach our sexual health and medical standards. With 1/3 of Americans living with a STI today, it became clear to us conventional testing methods simply do not work! Riddled by inconvenience and discomfort lab appointments and tests lead to may (possibly even you!) skipping their annual exam and relying on trust with new partners. Having no symptoms, however, does not mean one is in the clear. Disease incubation periods mean the only way to know for sure is to test.
We worked with some the best experts in the U.S. to design a program that allows you to skip the complications and bring the lab home. Each test can be completed in less than 5 minutes (including reading the instructions) with no need to drive, schedule appointments or wait in line. We will always remind you when it’s time to test again so you will never have to worry or keep track of time. And best of all, our revolutionary system is so affordable, you will not believe you ever lived without it!
Our Test Processing Facilty
myLAB Box works only with the best health providers, medical experts and lab facilities in the U.S. ensuring the accuracy of your at home test results will be the same as those done in a lab. Our HIPAA data storage system also means your records are safe and secure so you can access them any time you need to and even share with potential partners.
Safe is Smart
Let’s face it, sex with a new partner can be exciting but scary. Less than half of U.S. adults ages 18 to 44 have ever been tested for an STD other than HIV. So the chances of getting more than you bargained for is significant. Whatever the reason for not testing regularly, myLAB has the solution:
Don’t have time? Be on your way to regular STD screenings in under 5 minutes. No need to book appointments, go to a lab, or wait for weeks to get results.
Can’t afford expensive lab tests or frequent doctor visits? Sign up and save with membership packages for a low monthly fee.
Afraid of large needles? Get screened in the comfort of your own home, whenever and wherever convenient for you. No doctors or lab technicians required.
Keep forgetting or don’t know where to start? With myLAB you never forget a check-up. Our packages have been carefully designed to optimize the frequency of screenings based on your lifestyle so you can leave the difficult decisions to us.
Want 100% privacy for your results? We have designed a program that is affordable without needing to use insurance. That means we never share your information with insurance data agencies which can drive the rates up for any policies you hold like car or home insurance.
Safe is Sexy
The best sex is safe sex. At myLAB, we believe the only thing that should be sexually transmitted is FUN. Preventing infection and early STD detection saves lives. myLAB Box was designed to return the control of your sexual health to YOU so you can make more informed and proactive decisions.
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